Aware of its responsibility regarding the environmental and social consequences of its activities, Agroprosperis Bank strives for the sustainable development of society and fully supports the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, integrating them into its approaches to the various daily challenges it faces.
In its activities, Agroprosperis Bank supports the World Bank's vision of sustainable development and makes every effort to protect the environment. For this purpose, the bank has introduced its own ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL POLICY, according to which the bank evaluates, monitors and reports on the environmental and social risks of projects.
Management of social and environmental risks of bank-financed projects
- Agroprosperis Bank does not provide and does not plan to provide services to clients whose activities violate environmental or social standards.
- When selecting projects for financing, Agroprosperis Bank assesses their impact on the environment, sustainability of economic activity and energy efficiency, refraining from financing any activity that may lead to potentially significant negative environmental or social impacts.
- The Bank does not finance unethical practices and working conditions, as well as types of economic activity harmful to the environment.
- The Bank gives priority to those clients who conduct their activities in accordance with the principles of resource efficiency, prevention, minimization or non-increase of negative impact on the environment.
All projects financed by the bank are subject to proper verification and assessment of compliance with the socio-ecological requirements of the bank's environmental and social policy. Part of these requirements is the procedure for compliance with environmental and social policy standards when financing within the framework of the state program "Affordable loans 5-7-9%", according to which:
Loan request
Social and environmental aspects of personnel management
- Agroprosperis Bank considers its team to be the most valuable asset in its operations.
- The bank supports safe working and employment conditions for employees, which include: prohibition of any forced labor, compliance with restrictions on the minimum age for employment, prohibition of discrimination against employees on any grounds, proper drafting of employment contracts with employees, compliance with working hours and requirements regarding overtime work, granting of vacations, official wages, absence of delays and reductions in wages, compliance with labor legislation of Ukraine, etc.
- At the same time, the bank takes maximum measures to ensure occupational safety and hygiene, in particular: creates safe and harmless working conditions, conducts training and briefing on safety techniques, complies with the requirements of Ukrainian legislation in the field of occupational safety.
- Taking care of its team in the conditions of war, Agroprosperis Bank implements the principle of remote work preference for those employees who can perform their duties at home.
- The bank systematically increases investments in personnel, aimed at increasing the level of remuneration, staff training, motivation, encouragement to a healthy lifestyle, and plans to follow this approach in the future.
Bank employees constantly improve their knowledge of social and environmental risk management. All employees who participate in the work with financing projects have completed training with "Introduction to the World Bank Environmental and Social Framework" and have relevant certificates.

You can send your questions, complaints and suggestions on environmental or social issues via:
- to the postal address: 03124, Blvd. V. Havela, 6, building 3, Compliance Department;
- to the e-mail box of the Compliance Department -;
- through the Feedback form on the topic "Notices on environmental or social issues".
More information about the bank's achievements in the development of the concept of sustainable development can be found in the Report.