Save reliably and profitably with Agroprosperis Bank, which:

  • Has 100% foreign capital (USA and Europe) and operates in accordance with Western standards of management, security and compliance.
  • Specializes in financing agribusiness - one of the most profitable and stable sectors of Ukraine's economy.
  • Is a member of the Deposit Guarantee Fund for individuals.
  • Regularly confirms the highest deposit reliability rating and credit rating at the uaAA investment level, which characterizes a very high creditworthiness.
  • Constantly provides a margin of all NBU ratios higher than the market average.
  • Is a state-authorized bank through which budget payments are made and a partner of the European Fund for South-Eastern Europe (EFSE) in the framework of European Union initiatives.
  • Offers its depositors attractive savings terms.
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Interest rates on the deposit
in a reliable bank with 100% foreign capital of USA and Europe
Currency 1 mo 3 mos 6 mos 9 mos 12 mos 18 mos 24 mos Minimum deposit
UAH 10% 15% 15.25% 15.5% 15.75% 15.75% 15.75% 1000 UAH
USD 0.15% 0.3% 1% 1.25% 1.25% 1.25% 1.25% 100 USD

It is possible to open a deposit only in online banking AP Bank. You need to have a payment card or a current account to register in online banking.


Loyalty program

+0.50% when depositing UAH 5 million or more for a term of 6, 9, 12 months


Open a deposit


Warning when using the service

Possible consequences for the client in case of using a banking service or failure to fulfill his obligations under the agreement on the provision of this banking service:

  • The replenishment by additional contributions during the term of the deposit is not applicable.
  • The partial withdrawal of deposit funds during its validity period is not applicable.
  • The possibility of early termination of the deposit is not applicable.
  • Profits received from deposit (deposit) operations are the subject to income taxation, in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.

Possible consequences for the client if the client fails to apply to the bank in time for withdrawal of the funds deposited under the bank deposit (savings) agreement:

  • The deposit is automatically extended for a new term.
  • The return of the deposit is carried out on the day of the expiration of the term of the deposit (or on the first working day, if the day of the expiration of the term of the deposit is a non-working day) in accordance with the terms of the agreement.

The bank is prohibited from requiring the customer to purchase any goods or services from the bank or a related or related person as a prerequisite for the provision of these services (except for the provision of a package of banking services).

The Bank does not have the right to unilaterally amend the agreements concluded with clients, unless otherwise provided by the agreement or the law.

The client has the right to withdraw from the contract for the provision of financial services, if such a right is provided for in the terms of the contract, but before the start of the provision of any service under such contract and before the start of the provision of service under any other contract that is related to the fulfillment of obligations under the contract for the provision of financial services, from which the Client intends to withdraw. The client may exercise his right to withdraw from the contract for the provision of financial services by submitting an application to the Bank to terminate the contract for the provision of financial services.

The Bank's clients have the right to refuse to receive advertising materials by means of remote communication channels.

Deposit terms
Payment of interest



not provided


not provided

Deposit placement

in AP Bank online banking

Partial withdrawal

not provided

Early termination

not provided

Deposit calculator
Enter required parameters
Choose deposit
    Calculation results

    The calculations given in the calculator are approximate and take into account that there are always 365 days in a year and 30.3 days in a month.

    The amount of taxes is 23% of the amount of accrued interest, of which 18% is a personal income tax, 5% is a military levy.

    Services for which the fee is set in accordance with the bank's tariffs are not mandatory when placing and returning the deposit and interest.

    Save comfortably with AP Bank online banking
    Open deposits
    Open deposits

    Choose the best deposit and establish it in a few clicks.

    Extend deposits
    Extend deposits

    Establish or cancel deposit extension for a new term.

    Control your profit
    Control your profit

    Check interest payment on deposits and spend them comfortably.

    Multiply your savings
    Multiply your savings

    Replenish deposits if it is provided by deposit terms.

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