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Agroprosperis Bank is the first Ukrainian bank to start lending against crop receipts (since 2016). For 5 years the bank has provided farmers with more than UAH 1 billion secured by crop receipts.

A crop receipt is a convenient and simple tool for raising funding, which will help to gain access to financial and material resources on the security of the future harvest on favorable terms.

Crop receipts can be financial, when the obligations are fulfilled by funds payment, and commodity, when the obligations are fulfilled by the supply of agricultural products.

Ukrainian banks can work only with financial crop receipts issued in UAH. For each crop you should issue a separate crop receipt.


Advantages of crop receipts

  • Accessability for small farmers. Financing secured by future harvest can be obtained by those producers who do not have enough collateral for a classic loan.
  • Increase of available collateral. The guarantee is the future harvest, which may not even be sown. Collateral coverage under the crop receipt is less than under the classic agricultural financing.
  • Freedom of choice of suppliers. Funds received under the crop receipt can be used for seeds, fertilizers or other necessary resources of any reliable suppliers.


Stages of registration of the crop receipt

  • verification of the right to own or use agricultural land
  • agronomic examination of agricultural production
  • coordination of terms and conditions of the crop receipt
  • notarization and registration of crop receipts in the Register of crop receipts and the State Register of encumbrances on movable property
  • The certified crop receipt is kept by the creditor until the fulfillment of obligations by the agricultural producer


Legislation on crop receipts

The Law of Ukraine “On Agrarian Receipts” of November 6, 2012 year № 5479-VI is the main document that regulates the execution, issuance, circulation and execution of crop receipts. A comprehensive and up-to-date list of regulations governing the circulation of crop receipts, as well as educational materials on crop receipts are provided on the website of the State Enterprise "Agrarni Reiestry".

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