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Get affordable loans at 5-7-9% in Agroprosperis Bank

Get affordable loans at 5-7-9% in Agroprosperis BankAgroprosperis Bank joined the implementation of the state program "Affordable loans 5-7-9%", under which small businesses can receive funds at 5%, 7% or 9% per annum or refinance previously issued loans with full interest compensation. The agreement with the Entrepreneurship Development Fund was signed by the bank on September, 16.

The program "Affordable loans 5-7-9%" allows newly created and existing enterprises with an annual income of up to UAH 100 million to obtain an investment loan or replenish working capital at a rate from 5% to 9% per annum. The more jobs the business creates, the greater the compensation of interest on the loan he receives.

The anti-crisis package of the program provides the refinancing of an existing loan with government compensation of the full amount of interest up to the level of 0% per annum until March 31, 2021. This opportunity is available for the companies with an income of up to EUR 10 million, which have retained at least 60% of the payroll and at least 80% of the number of employees compared to March 1, 2020 year.

According to the Chairman of the Board Serhii Shchepanskyi, despite the pandemic, Agroprosperis Bank did not reduce, but on the contrary increased the amount of financing of small and medium enterprises, trying to help businesses as much as possible in this difficult time. "We specialize in financing small businesses, and are pleased to offer our customers another effective mechanism for affordable lending, especially now, when small businesses are most dependent on stable financing. We believe that this initiative will help increase  sustainability and competitiveness of business and help overcome the effects of the pandemic and restore the Ukrainian economy", - Serhii shared.

Learn more about detailed conditions of the program in the section Available credits 5-7-9%

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