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Announcement of the competitive selection

Agroprosperis Bank Joint Stock Company announces a competition for the selection of a qualified independent appraiser to conduct a full external evaluation of the internal audit function of JSC AP BANK in accordance with International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing.

To participate in the competition, we ask you to submit proposals with the value of information on:

- availability of a certificate of a certified internal auditor

- experience of successful assessment of internal audit in Ukrainian banks;

- an assessment plan, specifying methods and approaches to the external quality assessment of the internal audit function;

- estimated cost of services;

- no actual or potential conflict of interest

Please send your business offers till 01.03.2020:

email: okobylinska@ap-bank.com

Or mailing address: AP BANK JSC, 27-T (letter A) Dehtiarivs’ka Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 04119.

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