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Results for June 2022: growth in financial indicators and a significant reserve of liquidity

Despite the difficult conditions of the martial law, Agroprosperis Bank successfully ensures stable operation of the bank and remote service channels, and not only continues to provide a full range of banking services, but also develops, launches new products and increases financial indicators.

According to the results of June 2022, Agroprosperis Bank achieved the following financial results compared to the beginning of the month:

  • The loan portfolio to legal entities amounted to UAH 1.125 billion (+ UAH 7.5 million);
  • The deposit portfolio of individuals increased to UAH 529.7 million (+ UAH 12.5 million);
  • Assets amounted to UAH 2.089 billion (+ UAH 156.7 million).

Agroprosperis Bank always complies with the requirements of the National Bank regarding mandatory reserves and values ​​of economic standards at levels significantly higher than those established. The bank's key ratios as of July 1, 2022, in comparison with the limit values ​​established by the NBU:

  • H2 adequacy of regulatory capital - 24.70% (not less than 10%);
  • H3 adequacy of fixed capital - 20.22% (not less than 7%);
  • L13-1 long open currency position limit - 4.16% (no more than 5%);
  • L13-2 limit of short open currency position - 0.00% (no more than 5%);
  • Liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) for all currencies - 262.68% (not less than 100%);
  • Net stable funding ratio (NSFR) - 161.05% (not less than 90%).

Report files are available on the bank's website in the Performance indicators section.

Agroprosperis Bank makes maximum efforts to support its customers. We develop new products and adapt service conditions, in particular:

  • introduced the possibility of connecting card credit limits for individuals under one of the best conditions on the market;
  • developed a new convenient "Deposit for the summer" with high yield for short terms;
  • we do not apply penalties in case of inability to pay the loan;
  • extended the validity period of payment cards until the end of 2022;
  • simplified customer identification, we accept digital passports in the Diya application;
  • all departments are working as usual.

We thank our customers for their cooperation. We firmly hold the financial front and believe in the Victory of Ukraine!


Results of Agroprosperis Bank for May 2022 

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