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Financial statements and results of Agroprosperis Bank for 2022

Agroprosperis Bank published its official financial statements for 2022, confirmed by the auditing company Deloitte & Touche USK. We note that the auditor's opinion was not modified on the issue of continuing the bank's continuous operations.
It was the most difficult year in the modern history of Ukraine - a time of great upheavals, heroic trials and courage of every Ukrainian. Agroprosperis Bank, together with the country's banking system, has demonstrated resilience and the ability to face new, unprecedented challenges.
At the end of the year, the bank achieved the following financial results:

  • assets grew by 21% to UAH 2.68 billion;
  • the portfolio of small and medium-sized business loans amounted to UAH 894 million before deducting reserves, with a share of non-performing loans of only 4.5%;
  • the amount of clients' funds on bank accounts increased by 1.5 times to UAH 1.81 billion.

Despite the challenges of the war, Agroprosperis Bank ended the year operationally profitable, and the net loss in the amount of UAH 62.7 million was mainly caused by the proactive formation of reserves, the volume of which drastically increased compared to 2021.
We have fully preserved our team and their motivation, taken care of the safety of each of our employees and we have worked harmoniously and efficiently to provide our customers with quality uninterrupted services. The presence of a backup point and the prompt deployment of IT infrastructure using cloud services strengthened the bank's stability and ability to serve customers under any circumstances.
Immediately after the start of the full-scale invasion, Agroprosperis Bank transferred 25% of the annual profit to the fund to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine, paid in advance UAH 5 million in taxes and purchased military bonds.
We helped thousands of Ukrainians increase their savings, and within the year individual deposits in Agroprosperis Bank increased by 58%. More than a thousand citizens became our new clients, and in terms of the growth of UAH term deposits, we entered the TOP-10 leading banks.
For farming business at the beginning of the war, we introduced payment holidays, helped to restructure loans to reduce the debt burden, and comprehensively supported our clients in these difficult times.
The bank's efforts and achievements in providing the best services to depositors and agrarian business were recognized with industry awards. In 2022, Agroprosperis Bank became the winner in the nominations "Leading Bank in Reliability of Savings for Individuals" and "The Best Bank for Agribusiness" at the All-Ukrainian "Bank of the Year" competition from the International Financial Club "Bankir" and the winner of the "Banks of the Year 2022" rating from Financial club in the nominations "Savings bank for the population" and "Corporate bank".
In October, we opened a new branch in Kyiv for our customers and made every effort to provide our network with backup sources of power and communication. As a result, half of the bank's branches joined the unified Power Banking network and worked without interruption in the event of a long-term power outage.
The results of the year testify to the efficiency and stability of Agroprosperis Bank. We have worthily overcome all the challenges that 2022 has put before us, and moving forward even stronger.
We are grateful to our clients for their trust and fruitful cooperation and to our team for their stability, endurance and efficient work against all circumstances.
The official financial statements of Agroprosperis Bank for 2022 is available on our website in the Documents and reporting section.

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