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Agroprosperis Bank confirmed the title The best bank for agribusiness

Agroprosperis Bank confirmed the title The best bank for agribusinessAgroprosperis Bank was recognized as the bank of the year in the nomination "The best bank for agribusiness" at the All-Ukrainian competition "Bank of the Year 2022" by the International Financial Club "Bankir". This award once again confirms our unquestionable dedication to Ukrainian farmers and the maximum concentration of efforts on supporting agribusiness.

Agroprosperis Bank is the only bank in Ukraine that specializes in financing small and medium-sized agricultural producers, offers them products most adapted to the needs of agribusiness, and is the first among Ukrainian banks to lend against agricultural receipts. The bank's investor, NCH Capital, has had a successful agribusiness under the Agroprosperis brand in Ukraine for more than 15 years, which cultivates 300,000 hectares of land and annually exports more than 3 million tons of agricultural products - this gives our bank a full understanding of the specifics of the industry and access to the best technologies in agriculture.

This year, during the full-scale war, Agroprosperis Bank supported its farmer clients as much as possible, helping them to survive in these extremely difficult conditions. We admire the courage and heroism of Ukrainian farmers who, risking their own lives, despite all the dangers, sowed and harvested crops for the country's food security! We work together to bring the Victory of Ukraine closer!


For reference:

The organizer of the annual competition "Bank of the Year" is the International Financial Club "Bankir" in partnership and with the support of the Office of the President of Ukraine, the Independent Association of Banks of Ukraine, the Association of Ukrainian Banks, and other professional associations and market institutions.

The winners of the competition were determined based on the criteria of unconditional compliance with the requirements of legislation and regulatory documents of the regulator, impeccable business reputation, compliance of the principles of activity with international quality standards, positive audit findings, management efficiency in achieving financial results, compliance with the principles of fair competition.

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