Interest on the account balance | over UAH 100,000 - 8% UAH 50,000-100,000 - 6% up to UAH 50,000 - 5% |
Accrual of interest | the service is provided on the condition that there is any amount of funds in the account indefinitely during the functioning of the card account |
Tranfers on mandatary details | free of charge |
Possible consequences for the client in case of using a banking service or failure to fulfill his obligations under the agreement on the provision of this banking service: - accepting the conditions of the public offer on the rules and conditions for the provision of banking services for customers - individuals and the terms and conditions of a bank account provided for in the agreement, operations on which can be carried out using electronic means of payment, the client undertakes to pay for the relevant banking services in accordance with the Bank's tariffs; - in case of violation of the terms of the agreement and in cases determined by the terms of the agreement, the bank has the right to suspend (temporarily) all or individual operations on and / or block the card, refuse to serve the client; - in accordance with the norms of the current legislation of Ukraine, income received by the client in accordance with the terms of the Bank Account Agreement, transactions on which can be carried out using taxable electronic means of payment. The bank is prohibited from requiring the customer to purchase any goods or services from the bank or a related or related person as a prerequisite for the provision of these services (except for the provision of a package of banking services). The Bank does not have the right to unilaterally amend the agreements concluded with clients, unless otherwise provided by the agreement or the law. The client has the right to withdraw from the contract for the provision of financial services, if such a right is provided for in the terms of the contract, but before the start of the provision of any service under such contract and before the start of the provision of service under any other contract that is related to the fulfillment of obligations under the contract for the provision of financial services, from which the Client intends to withdraw. The client may exercise his right to withdraw from the contract for the provision of financial services by submitting an application to the Bank to terminate the contract for the provision of financial services. The Bank's clients have the right to refuse to receive advertising materials by means of remote communication channels. |
Возможные последствия для клиента в случае пользования банковской услугой или невыполнения им обязательств по договору о предоставлении этой банковской услуги: - принимая условия публичного предложения о правилах и условиях предоставления банковских услуг для клиентов - физических лиц и условиях предусмотренных договором банковского счета, операции по которому могут осуществляться с использованием электронных платежных средств, клиент обязуется осуществлять оплату соответствующих банковских услуг согласно тарифам Банка; - в случае нарушения условий договора и в случаях, определенных условиями договора, банк вправе приостановить (временно) все или отдельные операции по и / или осуществить блокировку карты, отказать в обслуживании клиенту; - в соответствии с нормами действующего законодательства Украины доходы, полученные клиентом в соответствии с условиями Договора банковского счета, операции по которому могут осуществляться с использованием электронных платежных средств, подлежат налогообложению. Банку запрещается требовать от клиента приобретения любых товаров или услуг от банка или родственного или связанного с ним лица как обязательное условие предоставления этих услуг (кроме предоставления пакета банковских услуг). Банк не имеет права вносить изменения в заключенные с клиентами договоры в одностороннем порядке, если иное не установлено договором или законом. Клиент имеет право отказаться от договора о предоставлении финансовых услуг, если такое право предусмотрено условиями договора, но до начала предоставления какой-либо услуги по такому договору и до начала предоставления услуги по любому другому договору, связанному с исполнением обязательств по договору о предоставлении финансовых услуг, от которого Клиент намерен отказаться. Клиент может реализовать свое право на отказ от договора о предоставлении финансовых услуг путем подачи в Банк заявления о расторжении договора о предоставлении финансовых услуг. Клиенты банка могут отказаться от получения рекламных материалов средствами дистанционных каналов коммуникации. |
Recommendations on avoiding cases of increased risk of losses for the user of a bank payment card
Recommendations for detecting phishing websites
AP Bank Online Banking Security Recomendations
We draw your attention to the need to inform the Bank immediately
In case of loss or withdrawal of the card during the transaction, as well as in case the PIN code of the card became known to another person, the Client is obliged, as soon as possible, to inform the Bank about this and to block the operation of the card by 24-hour telephone numbers:
0-800-505-555 (toll-free in Ukraine) and 044-290-93-10 (Customer Service Center). Verbal notification must be confirmed by a written statement addressed to the Bank.
In the event of unauthorized access to your account in the AP Bank SDBO, or in the event of the possibility of such unauthorized access, or if you notice a change in the information in the AP Bank SDBO (personal data, information about the services/products registered with the bank, accounts and balances of funds made operations, etc.), in case of loss of a financial phone number (SIM card) or a mobile phone with a financial number, contact the Bank's technical support for users at the phone number 0 800 300 170 (toll-free in Ukraine) or +38 (044) 392 93 73
If you received an e-mail (including from any address of the Bank) with a request to notify or confirm your login or password - do not respond to the request. Remember, the Bank never asks for such user data regarding login and password. Call the Bank's user technical support service at 0 800 300 170 (toll-free in Ukraine) or +38 (044) 392 93 73 and report the incident.
Always perform a visual check of the site's domain name to ensure that it is an official and not a phishing page of attackers using the guidelines for detecting phishing websites.
Currently, JSC "AGROPROSPERIS BANK" has the following official websites: - the official website of the Bank; - the official website of the Bank for access to the remote banking system of AP Bank.
If you detect a phishing site, call the technical support service for users of the Bank at phone number 0 800 300 170 (toll-free in Ukraine) or +38 (044) 392 93 73 and report it.
Pay bills and utilities, transfer to cards or by bank details.
Set card limits, block or activate blocked cards.
Get statements and transaction information, analyze expense items.
Online at favorable rates, replenish them and change the extension terms.