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Changes in the terms of cashless foreign currency exchange operations

In Agroprosperis Bank, the limit for the purchase of non-cash foreign currency at the rate of the NBU + 1% with subsequent placement on deposit has been increased from UAH 100,000 to UAH 200,000 equivalent.

In addition, the bank has approved new revisions of the tariffs for the service of bank card holders and settlement and cash service for individuals, which provide for the following commission for thenon-cash FX transactions:

  • up to 6,000.00 currency units - 1.5% of the UAH equivalent;
  • from 6,000.01 to 20,000.00 currency units - 0.5% of the UAH equivalent.

The new revisions of tariffs come into force:

  • 14.09.2023 – for accounts opened from 14.09.2023;
  • 16.10.2023 – for accounts opened up to and including 13.09.2023.

More details about how to buy foreign currency at a favorable rate are available on the bank's website in the Currency for deposit section.

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