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Agroprosperis Bank six-month results: UAH 617 million agri-loan portfolio with less than 1% NPL

On July 30, 2019, Agroprosperis Bank released its official financial statements for the six months of 2019, as certified by Deloitte and Touche USC Audit Company.

According to the results of the first half of the year:

• The loan portfolio to agriculture grew by 77% and reached UAH 617 million with 1% of non-working loans;

• The deposit portfolio of individuals increased by half to UAH 142 million;

• Net profit amounted to UAH 15 million.

In February 2019, Agroprosperis Bank received from the European Fund for South-Eastern Europe (EFSE) a loan of EUR 5 million in UAH, which allowed the bank to increase support for producers and to provide them with timely financing of the necessary amount. Therefore, the farm loan portfolio exceeded UAH 600 million with almost UAH 60 million financing secured by crop receipts.

Within 6 months, the Bank signed 12 partnership agreements with leading manufacturers and suppliers of agricultural machinery and currently offers its clients 24 convenient lending programs at favorable interest rates, without a compulsory first installment and without the cost of valuation and collateral insurance.


This year, Agroprosperis Bank has been working on enhancing services to private individuals. So, in June 2019, a new branch was opened in Kyiv at 84/20 V. Vasylkivska Str., and in August another branch in the Kyiv will start its operation. Agroprosperis Bank is also planning to launch mobile banking for individuals.

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