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2020 Agroprosperis Bank results

2020 Agroprosperis Bank results

Agroprosperis Bank finalized its 2020 official financial statements and received a positive conclusion of audit company Deloitte and Touche USC.

In 2020, Agroproperis Bank achieved the following financial results:

• Bank’s assets increased 1.5 times to UAH 1.72 billion;

• the portfolio of small and medium business loans increased by 27% to UAH 734 million before reserves;

• the amount of clients' funds on the bank's accounts doubled and exceeded UAH 905 million;

• the bank's profit amounted to UAH 0.6 million, net interest income - UAH 81.7 million, and net commission income - UAH 28.2 million;

• the bank regularly reaffirmed its long-term national credit rating at uaAA level and on a permanent basis significantly exceeded the average level of NBU indicators for the banking system of Ukraine.

For Agroprosperis Bank the 2020 was the year of expanding horizons. For 5 years, the bank lent only to farmers, however, this year, realizing the increased need of Ukrainian business for affordable financing, the bank began to finance small and medium enterprises in other industries. In order to further support customers, in the fall Agroprosperis Bank joined the state program "Affordable Loans 5-7-9%" and after two months of fruitful work entered the top ten banks by the number of affordable loans in 2020.

Agriculture financing remains the bank’s strategic priority. In 2020, Agroprosperis Bank signed 12 new partnership programs for farmers, offering them in total 35 preferential financing programs for the purchase of farm equipment and inputs. To support micro and small agricultural enterprises in Ukraine, Agroprosperis Bank received EUR 5 million from the European Fund for South-Eastern Europe (EFSE) as part of the European Union's EU4Business initiative, the third loan since the partnership began in December 2018. The bank’s commitment to support the agricultural sector was marked by the award "Leader of agribusiness lending" in the competition "Bank of the Year 2020" from IFC "Banker".

Agroprosperis Bank paid much attention to services for individuals and invested significant funds in expanding service channels for its customers. Thus, during the year, the bank successfully opened two new branches in Vinnytsia and Kyiv, and launched AP Bank's online banking for convenient remote service.

The Bank has adequately met all the challenges posed by the difficult year of 2020 - a time of pandemic, quarantine restrictions and macroeconomic instability, showing a significant increase in assets, loan and deposit portfolios, and plans in 2021 to further scale, develop and improve products for its customers to provide them with quality service and comprehensive support in difficult times.

The official financial statements of Agroprosperis Bank for 2020 are available in the Documents and reporting section.

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