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Congratulations on Banker's Day!

Congratulations on Banker's Day!At this difficult time, bankers are making an important contribution to the Victory, guarding the country's financial security.

Thanks to their dedication, courage and professionalism, the Ukrainian citizens and businesses continue to receive banking services in extremely difficult time of martial law.

The staff of Agroprosperis Bank makes every effort to support its customers and Ukrainian citizens, ensuring the smooth operation of the bank and remote service channels.

The Bank supports Ukrainian soldiers who defend our land and our freedom. We transfer funds to the support fund of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, pay taxes in advance and purchase military bonds. Of course, the bank's employees and their families also make their personal contribution by joining the Armed forces and territorial defense, making regular charitable contributions and volunteering.

Congratulations to the fighters of the economic front on their professional holiday! All together we continue to work on the financial front and contribute to the approach of Victory!

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