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Agroprosperis Bank and Agroresurs Company Partnership Program

Agroprosperis Bank and Agroresurs Company signed a partnership agreement on special terms for purchasing farm equipment.

Upon this program farmers with a land area of ​​100 hectares or more will be able to purchase quality farm equipment of Ukrainian and foreign brands on credit at attractive interest rates.

The advantages of the offer are the possibility to issue a loan for a term up to 7 years, without a mandatory first installment and without the cost of collateral valuation and insurance, as well as the speed of decision-making – up to 7 business days.

For reference:

The company "Agroresurs" (www.agro.kr.ua) is one of the main operators in the Ukrainian market, whose goal is the comprehensive material and technical support of farmers. The company sells farm equipment of domestic and foreign brands and spare parts to it.

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