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Agroprosperis Bank received the Bank for Personal Savings and the Corporate Bank awards

Agroprosperis Bank received the Bank for Personal Savings and the Corporate Bank awardsOn February 16, the winners of the "Banks of 2022" rating were awarded during the eighth Legal Banking Forum, organized by the Financial Club and the publishing house "Legal Practice".

Agroprosperis Bank received awards in two of the five nominations:

  • “the Bank for Pesonal Savings” for the absolute increase in hryvnia deposits of individuals
  • "Corporate Bank" for the absolute increase in the loan portfolio of legal entities.

In 2021, Agroprosperis Bank increased its business loan portfolio by UAH 463 million, a record increase, especially given that the bank finances only small and medium-sized enterprises. The increase in UAH individual deposits was UAH 131 million during the year.

The rating calculations used bank reporting data published by the National Bank as of January 1, 2021 and January 1, 2022. The bank's results were estimated in the category of banks with foreign capital and assets up to UAH 3 billion.

We thank the Financial Club for the recognition, and our clients - for the trust and partnership!

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