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Lozova Machinery and Agroprosperis Bank partnership program for farm equipment purchase

Lozova Machinery and Agroprosperis Bank partnership program for farm equipment purchase

LOZOVA MACHINERY is a wide range of modern energy-efficient and innovative tillage and seeding units.

LOZOVA MACHINERY was first of all created to bring the maximum economic effect to farmers: better tillage, work of equipment without maintenance, less downtime and repair, faster processing and less fuel consumption.

Today LOZOVA MACHINERY serially produce more than 30 types of tillage equipment, a series of sprayers and trailer-loaders. In addition to Ukraine, LOZOVA MACHINERY equipment is supplied to Europe, the CIS countries, and Canada.


Loan term up to 5 years
Interest rate  from 0.01% to 5.65% p.a. in USD
from 0.01% to 11.45% p.a. in UAH
Down payment 

from 20%


farm equipment

Notary registration of collateral not applicable, only if mandatory
Collateral protection
not applicable, only if mandatory
Repayment schedule  according to the season
Fee for origination - up tp 1.5% of loan amount, for early repayment - no-fee

The possibility of purchaising the farm equipment under the partnership program is confirmed by the supplier.

Official Lozova Machinery distributors in Ukraine

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