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Results of activity for December 2022

Agroprosperis Bank ended the last month of 2022 with the following financial indicators:

  • Business loan portfolio – UAH 808.9 million;
  • Deposit portfolio of individuals - UAH 719.7 million;
  • Assets – UAH 2.69 billion.

The largest dynamic was shown by the volume of household funds in the bank, which increased by UAH 72.8 million this month, thanks to the attractive terms of deposits and the reliability of the bank with 100% foreign capital.
Agroprosperis Bank, as always, complies with the requirements of the National Bank regarding mandatory reserves and values of economic standards at levels that are significantly higher than the established ones. The bank's key standards as of January 1, 2023, in comparison with the limit values established by the NBU:

  • H2 adequacy of regulatory capital – 29.92% (at least 10%);
  • H3 capital adequacy – 22.09% (not less than 7%);
  • L13-1 long open currency position limit – 3.49% (no more than 5%);
  • L13-2 limit of short open currency position – 0.00% (no more than 5%);
  • Liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) for all currencies – 610.47% (not less than 100%);
  • Net stable funding ratio (NSFR) – 253.75% (not less than 90%).

Report files are available on the bank's website in the Performance indicators section.

In December 2022, Agroprosperis Bank made maximum efforts for the uninterrupted operation of the branch network by providing them with alternative energy sources and additional communication channels. This made it possible to provide customers not only with all banking services, but also during blackouts the opportunity to warm up, charge phones and connect to the Internet.

We thank our customers for their cooperation. We firmly hold the financial front and believe in the Victory of Ukraine!

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