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Hours of operation in 2018

According to the Decision of the Board of the National Bank of Ukraine No89-rs of February 13, 2018, "On the Rules of Work of the Electronic Payment System of the National Bank of Ukraine and the Banking System of Ukraine in connection with the transfer of working days in 2018", in 2018 Agroprosperis Bank will work according to the following schedule:

Working days and hours of operation:

- Saturday, March 03 to 16-00

- Saturday, May 05 to 16-45

- Saturday, June 23 to 16-00            

- Saturday, December 22 to 16-45

- Saturday, December 29 to 16-45

Days off:

- Friday, March 09

- Monday, April 30

- Friday, June 29

- Monday, December 24

- Monday, December 31.

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