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Financial statements and results of Agroprosperis Bank for 2023

On April 30, Agroprosperis Bank published its official financial statements for 2023, confirmed by the auditing firm "Deloitte & Touche USC".

This year our team achieved significant results:

  • the bank increased its assets by 1.5 times to UAH 4 billion;
  • business loans amounted to UAH 926 million before deducting reserves;
  • client funds in the bank increased almost 2 times to UAH 3.4 billion;
  • annual profit was UAH 28.75 million before taxes, UAH 15.7 million of taxes paid;
  • net profit amounted to UAH 13 million.

This year, thousands of Ukrainians chose Agroprosperis Bank for reliable and profitable savings. As a result, the volume of household funds in the bank increased by 53% to UAH 1.1 billion, and the number of individual clients more than doubled.

In working with farmers, we concentrated on maximum support for borrowers and optimization of loan products, thanks to which our clients were able to maintain the sustainability of their business, and the bank was able to maintain the volume and record quality of the loan portfolio.

Achievements and advantages of Agroprosperis Bank for depositors and agrarian business were confirmed by important awards. In 2023, the bank became the winner in the nominations "Leader Bank in Reliability of Savings for Individuals" and "The Best Bank for Agribusiness" at the All-Ukrainian "Bank of the Year" competition by the International Financial Club "Bankir", and in March 2024 we became the prize winner at FinAwards competition in the "Best Deposit" nomination.

During the year, Agroprosperis Bank maintained a high reserve of capital and liquidity at levels higher than the limit values ​​of the NBU and the average market indicators, and also regularly confirmed the credit rating at uaAA  investment level.

The year's results testify to the stability and efficient operation of Agroprosperis Bank in wartime conditions and lay the foundation for the development and growth of activity in the current year.

You can find the official financial statements of Agroprosperis Bank for 2023 on our website in the Documents and reporting section. The report of the auditing firm "Deloitte & Touche USC" contains an explanation of the uncertainty of the impact of military operations on the bank's activities. The auditor's opinion was not modified in this regard.

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